(function () { var take = function () { //DDP const chatform = localStorage.getItem("chatform") if (chatform) { console.log("DDP") document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { console.log("DOMContentLoaded") switch (window.location.pathname) { case '/contact_lp4/fukuoka_t_k/': case '/contact_lp4/fukuoka_t_k/index_end.php': case '/contact/chat/index_end.php': let isError = document.querySelector('.error') //console.log("is Error on thank? => ", isError) if (isError) { let count = 0 function checkError(a, b) { var resultArr = [] if (document.querySelectorAll('.error').length > 0) { let errrorElements = document.querySelectorAll('.error') //console.log(errrorElements) errrorElements.forEach(errElem => { if (errElem.innerText != "") { resultArr.push(errElem.innerText.trim().split("。")[0] + "。") errElem.innerHTML = "" errElem.innerText = "" } }) } let errorTxt1 = "" if (resultArr.length > 0) { errorTxt1 = resultArr.join("
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メールにてご注文内容をお送りしておりますので、ご確認ください。" // } // window.parent.postMessage(param2, "*") var redirectParam = { event: "redirect_thankPage", url: "https://www.ground-f.com/contact/chat/index_end.php" } window.parent.postMessage(redirectParam, '*'); localStorage.removeItem("chatform"); }) } track(chatform) } setTimeout(checkComplete, 2000) } break; default: console.log('do nothing'); } }) } else { console.log("No Chatform") } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { //console.log("DOMContentLoaded") var param = { event: "chatform_DOMContentLoaded" } window.parent.postMessage(param, '*'); }) window.addEventListener("message", (event) => { //console.log("window message") if (event.data.event == "chatform_vframe_debug") { //console.log("chatform_vframe_debug") } if (event.data.event == "chatform_bindForm") { //console.log("1 chatform_bindForm", event.data.data) var project = event.data.data; var arr = project.data; var chatform = { pid: project.pid, sid: project.sid, uuId: project.uuId, id: arr[arr.length - 1].id } localStorage.setItem('chatform', JSON.stringify(chatform)); //console.log(arr) bindForm(arr) } if (event.data.event == "chatform_bindFormSubmit") { //console.log("chatform_bindFormSubmit") bindFormSubmit() } }) async function bindForm(d) { //console.log("bindForm", d) const fillInput = (selector, value) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let inputEvent = new InputEvent('change', { bubbles: true, cancelable: false }); const inputElement = document.querySelector(selector); if (inputElement) { inputElement.value = value; inputElement.dispatchEvent(inputEvent); resolve(`Input with name "${selector}" filled and event dispatched`); } else { reject(`Element with name "${selector}" not found.`); } }); }; const chooseRadioButton = (radioSelector, value) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const radioButton = document.querySelector(`${radioSelector}[value='${value}']`); if (radioButton) { radioButton.checked = true; let event = new Event('change', { bubbles: true, composed: true }) radioButton.dispatchEvent(event); resolve(`Radio button with name '${radioSelector}' and value '${value}' selected and event dispatched.`); } else { reject(new Error(`Radio button with name '${radioSelector}' and value '${value}' not found.`)); } }); }; const chooseSelectBox = (selectBoxSelector, value, useOptionVal = true) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let option = "" if (useOptionVal) { option = document.querySelector(`${selectBoxSelector} option[value='${value}']`); } else { // option = document.querySelector(`${selectBoxSelector} option[label='${value}']`); option = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`${selectBoxSelector} option`)) .find(opt => opt.label === value); } const selectElement = document.querySelector(`${selectBoxSelector}`); if (option && selectElement) { option.selected = true; const event = new Event('change', { bubbles: true, composed: true }) selectElement.dispatchEvent(event); resolve(`Select box with name '${selectBoxSelector}' set to option value '${value}' and event dispatched.`); } else { reject(new Error(`Select box with name '${selectBoxSelector}' and option value '${value}' not found.`)); } }); }; chooseRadioButton('[name="ConsultType__c"]', "お見積依頼") await fillInput('[name="last_name"]', findValue(d, 'lastname')) await fillInput('[name="first_name"]', findValue(d, 'firstname')) await fillInput('[name="Last_nameKana__c"]', findValue(d, 'furigana_firstname')) await fillInput('[name="First_nameKana__c"]', findValue(d, 'furigana_mei')) const zipCode = findValue(d, "zip"); // Split the zip code const firstPart = zipCode.slice(0, 3); const secondPart = zipCode.slice(3); await fillInput('[name="ZipUpper__c"]', firstPart) await fillInput('[name="ZipLower__c"]', secondPart) // wait for zip auto-fill await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1500)); await chooseSelectBox('select[name="state"]', findValue(d, "area"), false) await fillInput('input[name="city"]', findValue(d, 'city')) document.querySelector('input[name="street"]').value = '' let convertedStreet = toHalfWidth(findValue(d, 'street').replace(/[−ー―‐-〜]/g, '-')); let convertedBuilding = toHalfWidth(findValue(d, 'building').replace(/[−ー―‐-〜]/g, '-')); await fillInput('input[name="street"]', convertedStreet) await fillInput('input[name="BuildingName__c"]', convertedBuilding) await fillInput('input[name="email"]', findValue(d, "email")) let tel = await getFormatPhone(findValue(d, "phone").replace(/-/g, '')) await fillInput('input[name="Tel1__c"]', tel[0]) await fillInput('input[name="Tel2__c"]', tel[1]) await fillInput('input[name="Tel3__c"]', tel[2]) let gender = findOptionLabelByCustomId(d, "sex") if(gender && gender != 'Undefind') await chooseRadioButton('[name="Sex__c"]', gender) let AgePeriod = findOptionLabelByCustomId(d, "AgePeriod") if(AgePeriod && AgePeriod != 'Undefind') await chooseRadioButton('[name="AgePeriod__c"]', AgePeriod) await fillInput('[name="BuildingElapsedYears__c"]', findValueByCustomID(d, "age", "request-0aec2294-0b6d-4aa8-a535-90f22d639ca3_5294")) await chooseSelectBox('[name="ConstructionTime__c"]', findOptionLabelByCustomId(d, "ConstructionTime")) // findOption(d, "") let ConsultDetail__c = findValueByCustomID(d, "detail", "request-0aec2294-0b6d-4aa8-a535-90f22d639ca3_5294") if(ConsultDetail__c && ConsultDetail__c != 'Undefind') await fillInput('[name="ConsultDetail__c"]', ConsultDetail__c) let reserverNterests = findCheckOptionsLabelsByCustomId(d, "reserver_nterests"); if (reserverNterests.length > 0) { let textValues = document.querySelectorAll('[name="reserver_nterests_flg[]"]') if (textValues.length > 0) { for (let cnt = 0; cnt < textValues.length; cnt++) { let tmpText = textValues[cnt].value if (reserverNterests.includes(tmpText)) { textValues[cnt].checked = true } else { textValues[cnt].checked = false } } } } // await chooseRadioButton('[name="reserver_nterests_flg[]"]', findOptionLabelByCustomId(d, "reserver_nterests")) // findOption(d, "reserver_nterests") if(document.querySelector('[name="ComingStore__c[]"]') != null){ await chooseRadioButton('[name="ComingStore__c[]"]', findOptionLabelByCustomId(d, "ComingStore")) // findOption(d, "ComingStore") }else{ await chooseRadioButton('[name="ComingStore__c"]', findOptionLabelByCustomId(d, "ComingStore")) // findOption(d, "ComingStore") } } function bindFormSubmit() { //console.log("bindFormSubmit"); // Remove the beforeunload listener function removeBeforeUnloadListener() { window.onbeforeunload = null; } // Check for errors function checkError() { let resultArr = []; const errorElements = document.querySelectorAll('.error'); errorElements.forEach(errElem => { const errorText = errElem.innerText.trim(); if (errorText) { resultArr.push(errorText); errElem.innerHTML = ""; errElem.innerText = ""; } }); if (resultArr.length > 0) { const errorTxt = resultArr.join("
"); const param = { event: "chatform_bindFormErrorFound", text: errorTxt, }; window.parent.postMessage(param, '*'); return true; // Error found } return false; // No error found } // Submit the form function setSubmit() { removeBeforeUnloadListener(); // Check for errors before submitting if (!checkError()) { const submitEl = document.querySelector('#submitBtn'); if (submitEl) { submitEl.click(); } else { console.error("Submit button not found"); } } } // Set a flag to check for errors after page reload function setPostReloadCheck() { localStorage.setItem('checkErrorsAfterReload', 'true'); } // Check for errors after page reload function checkErrorsAfterReload() { if (localStorage.getItem('checkErrorsAfterReload') === 'true') { localStorage.removeItem('checkErrorsAfterReload'); checkError(); } } // Attach a load event listener to check errors after reload window.addEventListener('load', checkErrorsAfterReload); // Submit the form after a delay setTimeout(() => { setPostReloadCheck(); setSubmit(); }, 1000); } // Function to convert full-width numbers and hyphens to half-width function toHalfWidth(str) { return str.replace(/[0-9ー]/g, function(match) { // Convert full-width numbers to half-width if (match >= '0' && match <= '9') { return String.fromCharCode(match.charCodeAt(0) - 0xFEE0); } // Convert full-width hyphen (ー) to half-width hyphen (-) if (match === 'ー') { return '-'; } return match; }); } function findOptionLabelByCustomId(d, cid) { //console.log(n) let value = "Undefind"; rtn = value; for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { var item = d[i]; if (item.customId == cid) { if (item.options) { item.options.forEach(function (v) { if (v.checked) { //console.log(v) rtn = v.label } }) } } } console.log(rtn) return rtn } function findValue(d, n) { //console.log(d,n) let value = "Undefind"; rtn = value; for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { var item = d[i]; if (item.values) { item.values.forEach(function (v) { //console.log(v.name, n) if (v.name == n) { //console.log(n, v.name) rtn = v.value } }) } } //console.log(n,rtn) return rtn } //d= all Data, t=customerID, n=name function findValueByCustomID(d, t, n) { //console.log(d,n) let value = "Undefind"; rtn = value; for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { var item = d[i]; if (item.customId == t) { //console.log("item", item) item.values.forEach(function (v) { //console.log(v.name, n) if (v.name == n) { rtn = v.value } }) } } //console.log(n,rtn) return rtn } function findCheckOptionsLabelsByCustomId(d, n) { rtn = []; for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { var item = d[i]; if (item.customId == n) { item.options.forEach(function (v) { if (v.checked) { rtn.push(v.label) } }) } } return rtn } //radio return single value function findOption(d, n) { //console.log(n) let value = "Undefind"; rtn = value; for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { var item = d[i]; //console.log(item) if (item.options) { item.options.forEach(function (v) { if (v.name == n && v.checked) { //console.log(v) rtn = v.value } }) } } return rtn } //checkbox return array function findOptions(d, n) { rtn = []; for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { var item = d[i]; if (item.options) { item.options.forEach(function (v) { var reg = new RegExp(n) if (reg.test(v.name) && v.checked) { rtn.push(v.value) } }) } } return rtn } async function getFormatPhone($INPUT, $STRICT) { $STRICT = $STRICT || false; // 市外局番のグループ定義 // データは http://www.soumu.go.jp/main_sosiki/joho_tsusin/top/tel_number/number_shitei.html より入手後、整形 var group = { 5: { "01267": 1, "01372": 1, "01374": 1, "01377": 1, "01392": 1, "01397": 1, "01398": 1, "01456": 1, "01457": 1, "01466": 1, "01547": 1, "01558": 1, "01564": 1, "01586": 1, "01587": 1, "01632": 1, "01634": 1, "01635": 1, "01648": 1, "01654": 1, "01655": 1, "01656": 1, "01658": 1, "04992": 1, "04994": 1, "04996": 1, "04998": 1, "05769": 1, "05979": 1, "07468": 1, "08387": 1, "08388": 1, "08396": 1, "08477": 1, "08512": 1, "08514": 1, "09496": 1, "09802": 1, "09912": 1, "09913": 1, "09969": 1, }, 4: { "0123": 2, "0124": 2, "0125": 2, "0126": 2, "0133": 2, "0134": 2, "0135": 2, "0136": 2, "0137": 2, "0138": 2, "0139": 2, "0142": 2, "0143": 2, "0144": 2, "0145": 2, "0146": 2, "0152": 2, "0153": 2, "0154": 2, "0155": 2, "0156": 2, "0157": 2, "0158": 2, "0162": 2, "0163": 2, "0164": 2, "0165": 2, "0166": 2, "0167": 2, "0172": 2, "0173": 2, "0174": 2, "0175": 2, "0176": 2, "0178": 2, "0179": 2, "0182": 2, "0183": 2, "0184": 2, "0185": 2, "0186": 2, "0187": 2, "0191": 2, "0192": 2, "0193": 2, "0194": 2, "0195": 2, "0197": 2, "0198": 2, "0220": 2, "0223": 2, "0224": 2, "0225": 2, "0226": 2, "0228": 2, "0229": 2, "0233": 2, "0234": 2, "0235": 2, "0237": 2, "0238": 2, "0240": 2, "0241": 2, "0242": 2, "0243": 2, "0244": 2, "0246": 2, "0247": 2, "0248": 2, "0250": 2, "0254": 2, "0255": 2, "0256": 2, "0257": 2, "0258": 2, "0259": 2, "0260": 2, "0261": 2, "0263": 2, "0264": 2, "0265": 2, "0266": 2, "0267": 2, "0268": 2, "0269": 2, "0270": 2, "0274": 2, "0276": 2, "0277": 2, "0278": 2, "0279": 2, "0280": 2, "0282": 2, "0283": 2, "0284": 2, "0285": 2, "0287": 2, "0288": 2, "0289": 2, "0291": 2, "0293": 2, "0294": 2, "0295": 2, "0296": 2, "0297": 2, "0299": 2, "0422": 2, "0428": 2, "0436": 2, "0438": 2, "0439": 2, "0460": 2, "0463": 2, "0465": 2, "0466": 2, "0467": 2, "0470": 2, "0475": 2, "0476": 2, "0478": 2, "0479": 2, "0480": 2, "0493": 2, "0494": 2, "0495": 2, "0531": 2, "0532": 2, "0533": 2, "0536": 2, "0537": 2, "0538": 2, "0539": 2, "0544": 2, "0545": 2, "0547": 2, "0548": 2, "0550": 2, "0551": 2, "0553": 2, "0554": 2, "0555": 2, "0556": 2, "0557": 2, "0558": 2, "0561": 2, "0562": 2, "0563": 2, "0564": 2, "0565": 2, "0566": 2, "0567": 2, "0568": 2, "0569": 2, "0572": 2, "0573": 2, "0574": 2, "0575": 2, "0576": 2, "0577": 2, "0578": 2, "0581": 2, "0584": 2, "0585": 2, "0586": 2, "0587": 2, "0594": 2, "0595": 2, "0596": 2, "0597": 2, "0598": 2, "0599": 2, "0721": 2, "0725": 2, "0735": 2, "0736": 2, "0737": 2, "0738": 2, "0739": 2, "0740": 2, "0742": 2, "0743": 2, "0744": 2, "0745": 2, "0746": 2, "0747": 2, "0748": 2, "0749": 2, "0761": 2, "0763": 2, "0765": 2, "0766": 2, "0767": 2, "0768": 2, "0770": 2, "0771": 2, "0772": 2, "0773": 2, "0774": 2, "0776": 2, "0778": 2, "0779": 2, "0790": 2, "0791": 2, "0794": 2, "0795": 2, "0796": 2, "0797": 2, "0798": 2, "0799": 2, "0820": 2, "0823": 2, "0824": 2, "0826": 2, "0827": 2, "0829": 2, "0833": 2, "0834": 2, "0835": 2, "0836": 2, "0837": 2, "0838": 2, "0845": 2, "0846": 2, "0847": 2, "0848": 2, "0852": 2, "0853": 2, "0854": 2, "0855": 2, "0856": 2, "0857": 2, "0858": 2, "0859": 2, "0863": 2, "0865": 2, "0866": 2, "0867": 2, "0868": 2, "0869": 2, "0875": 2, "0877": 2, "0879": 2, "0880": 2, "0883": 2, "0884": 2, "0885": 2, "0887": 2, "0889": 2, "0892": 2, "0893": 2, "0894": 2, "0895": 2, "0896": 2, "0897": 2, "0898": 2, "0920": 2, "0930": 2, "0940": 2, "0942": 2, "0943": 2, "0944": 2, "0946": 2, "0947": 2, "0948": 2, "0949": 2, "0950": 2, "0952": 2, "0954": 2, "0955": 2, "0956": 2, "0957": 2, "0959": 2, "0964": 2, "0965": 2, "0966": 2, "0967": 2, "0968": 2, "0969": 2, "0972": 2, "0973": 2, "0974": 2, "0977": 2, "0978": 2, "0979": 2, "0980": 2, "0982": 2, "0983": 2, "0984": 2, "0985": 2, "0986": 2, "0987": 2, "0993": 2, "0994": 2, "0995": 2, "0996": 2, "0997": 2, "0180": 3, "0570": 3, "0800": 3, "0990": 3, "0120": 3, }, 3: { "011": 3, "015": 3, "017": 3, "018": 3, "019": 3, "022": 3, "023": 3, "024": 3, "025": 3, "026": 3, "027": 3, "028": 3, "029": 3, "042": 3, "043": 3, "044": 3, "045": 3, "046": 3, "047": 3, "048": 3, "049": 3, "052": 3, "053": 3, "054": 3, "055": 3, "058": 3, "059": 3, "072": 3, "073": 3, "075": 3, "076": 3, "077": 3, "078": 3, "079": 3, "082": 3, "083": 3, "084": 3, "086": 3, "087": 3, "088": 3, "089": 3, "092": 3, "093": 3, "095": 3, "096": 3, "097": 3, "098": 3, "099": 3, "050": 4, "020": $STRICT ? 3 : 4, "070": $STRICT ? 3 : 4, "080": $STRICT ? 3 : 4, "090": $STRICT ? 3 : 4, }, 2: { "03": 4, "04": 4, "06": 4, } }; // 市外局番の桁数を取得して降順に並べ替える var code = []; for (num in group) { code.push(num * 1); } code.sort(function ($a, $b) { return ($b - $a); }); // 入力文字から数字以外を削除してnumber変数に格納する var number = String($INPUT).replace(/[0-9]/g, function ($s) { return String.fromCharCode($s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248); }).replace(/\D/g, ""); // 電話番号が10~11桁じゃなかったらfalseを返して終了する if (number.length < 10 || number.length > 11) { return false; } // 市外局番がどのグループに属するか確認していく for (var i = 0, n = code.length; i < n; i++) { var leng = code[i]; var area = number.substring(0, leng); var city = group[leng][area]; // 一致する市外局番を見付けたら整形して整形後の電話番号を返す if (city) { var first = area; var middle = number.substring(first.length, first.length + city); var last = number.substring(first.length + city, number.length); return [first, middle, last] } } }; } setTimeout(take, 0); }())